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Honor & Awards

30 Years of experienced serving a high quality services

The firm was founded through one of the first-ever local mergers of a number of prominent law firm spin-offs, joined by other leading lawyers and professionals, all brought together by a shared vision. A vision to create a true corporate meritocracy dedicated to excellence in the practice of law. The sole measures of our success are concrete results and client satisfaction.

Adoption Law 50%
Family Law 80%
Real Estate Law 70%
Personal Injury Law 40%

Practice Area

We believe the future of resolution lies in creative, cost-effective dispute management. Miles offers a comprehensive suite of services aimed at empowering parties to manage, rather than be managed by, their disputes. Our professionals have broad experience and training as neutrals. More importantly, they have between them hundreds of years of practice as advocates for parties in various ADR processes. They know what is at stake for disputing parties and they know how to help parties leverage the true value of ADR.

Real Estate Law

Real estate law is called real estate because it’s about real property. Real property is land as opposed to personal property which is objects. Fixtures that are permanently on the land like buildings or other large structures are also a part of real property.

Insurance Law

There are a number of types of insurance that cover many different things. You might have one insurance policy for your home and another for your car. You might receive a health insurance policy through your work, or you might purchase a health insurance policy independently.

Business Law

Our lawyers help decision makers weigh the pros and cons of each entity when they’re starting a business. They help educate the business founders in the law in order to help them choose the entity that’s in their best interests. Then, they help them file the paperwork to formally start the business.

Personal Injury

Personal injury cases are legal disputes that arise when one person suffers harm from an accident or injury, and someone else might be legally responsible for that harm. A personal injury case can become formalized through civil court proceedings that seek to find others legally at fault through a court judgment or, as is much more common, such disputes may be resolved through informal settlement before any lawsuit is filed

Medical Neglegence

When it comes to medical malpractice law, medical negligence is usually the legal concept upon which the case hinges, from a "legal fault" perspective. Negligence on its own does not merit a medical malpractice claim, but when the negligence is the cause of injury to a patient, there may be a good case for medical malpractice.

Criminal Defense

Criminal law concerns the system of legal rules that define what conduct is classified as a crime and how the government may prosecute individuals that commit crimes. Federal, state, and local governments all have penal codes that explain the specific crimes that they prohibit and the punishments that criminals may face. Individuals who violate federal, state, and local laws may face fines, probation, or incarceration.

30 Years of Experienced in Various cases

We help people effectively fight their offenders back and successfully defend their own stand!


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You can trust our legal team with any case


Ryan Anderson



Kimball Jones

Head of International Practice


Garry B. Trinh

Managing Partner, Attorney